

adjective ded·i·cate \ˈde-di-kət\

Definition of DEDICATE

:  dedicated 1

Origin of DEDICATE

Middle English, from Latin dedicatus, past participle of dedicare to dedicate, from de- + dicare to proclaim, dedicate — more at diction
First Known Use: 14th century

Rhymes with DEDICATE


verb ded·i·cate \ˈde-di-ˌkāt also ˈde-ˌdē-\

: to officially make (something) a place for honoring or remembering a person, event, etc.


Full Definition of DEDICATE

transitive verb
:  to devote to the worship of a divine being; specifically :  to set apart (a church) to sacred uses with solemn rites
a :  to set apart to a definite use <money dedicated to their vacation fund>
b :  to commit to a goal or way of life <ready to dedicate his life to public service>
:  to inscribe or address by way of compliment <dedicate a book to a friend>
:  to open to public use
ded·i·ca·tor \-ˌkā-tər\ noun

First Known Use of DEDICATE

15th century

Synonym Discussion of DEDICATE

devote, dedicate, consecrate, hallow mean to set apart for a special and often higher end. devote is likely to imply compelling motives and often attachment to an objective <devoted his evenings to study>. dedicate implies solemn and exclusive devotion to a sacred or serious use or purpose <dedicated her life to medical research>. consecrate stresses investment with a solemn or sacred quality <consecrate a church to the worship of God>. hallow, often differing little from dedicate or consecrate, may distinctively imply an attribution of intrinsic sanctity <battlegrounds hallowed by the blood of patriots>.
DEDICATE[1] Defined for Kids


verb ded·i·cate \ˈde-di-ˌkāt\

Definition of DEDICATE for Kids

:  to set apart for some purpose :  devote <The land was dedicated as a nature preserve.>
:  to commit to a goal or way of life <She dedicated her life to finding a cure.>
:  to say or write that something (as a book or song) is written or performed as a compliment to someone <“We at Flint's only soul station, WAMM, dedicate this song to Daniel, from Wilona.” — Christopher Paul Curtis, The Watsons>


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